“Start with GOD —the first step in learning is bowing down to GOD; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.”
Proverbs 1:7 MSG
Start with God. Baby New Year is just a few hours old. Resolutions are fresh. Motivation is high even when strength is weak. This fresh slate is waiting to be filled with adventure and heartache and challenge and success. Start with God.
Lean in today. Feel the heartbeat of God upon your heart. Sense God's presence in your small moments. Invite him into your invisible life. Your actual life. Your hard days. Start with God.
This year let's start with God. Let's trust him. Let's choose to doubt our fears. Instead let's believe in our dreams. When the world sticks fear in our face, let's respond with, "I doubt it!" Let's be strong on God's team. Let's run his race! Let's start with God!
Happy New Year! Blessings today and always! –M
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