07112009:1100 - Devil's Head Lookout, Colorado
Today I felt the need to get out and clear my head a bit...turn off the ringer, stop checking email, & just enjoy Creation. I felt the need for solitude as well. I will enjoy introducing the boys to this particular hike, but need to prep a bit more 1st.
The climb was strenuous but mostly because I carried my hiking pack (30 lbs) and attempted to make the 1.5 mile / 1,000' vertical in under 30 min. It took me 31 w/o any stops. Got a bit winded but overall great.
At the top I met the stairway to heaven! Another 143 stairs to the fire lookout. Tough but good. The views from the top are expansive and gorgeous! Wow. It's a bit scary, but safe and sound.
I met Bill Ellis, the 25 year veteran Lookout. He's a neat man and I took a picture with him. He gave me, and all who visit, a card that shows I've joined the "ANCIENT AND HONORABLE ORDER OF SQUIRRELS."
Back down the stairs and took a small trail that drains to the south. I guess this would take me to the car if I followed it to Rampart Road and had all day to do it.
I'm sitting on a flat bumpy rock and enjoying the solitude of nature. There are a couple guys east of me I can hear occasionally, but haven't seen anyone yet.
...Lead on Papa. Make Your will known. Open and close doors according to Your will. Help me to be obedient in all things.
I think it's kinda funny that I'm sitting on "Devil's Head" as I look for Papa's will. Reminds me of the old Jerusalem song..."Dancing on the Head of the Serpent."
A hummingbird visited me as I was listening this morning. I had not seen one perched before. He kinda buzzed my head a couple times - a little freaky - then had a seat on a branch just about 6' away. He sat a moment or two, then too off again.
The forest is alive w/ wildlife. Mostly birds calling and lots of insects. It's solace in the midst of a multitude of life. Very peaceful!
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